My first "game" is up...

Ookayyy, so here it is, the first "game" I ever "publish".

Yeah, too many air quotes means too much sarcasm being targeted at myself. Because true as this might be; that this is a game, and I did publish it on the internet, this is not something I would take to the market. But this was a requirement of the course and here I am, doing it.

I think it stays hosted up there (on for a month, and then I'll have to find some other way to host it. Maybe blogger provides an option to host a Webgl game. I don't know. If any of you know, teach me how...

So, I took away many of the systems I planned for it, because this was supposed to be a quick exercise gig and the longer I stayed with this, the longer I was away from the meat of the course. So whatever I could figure out quickly, I left in and off with the rest.

Didn't spend much time on visuals either. Same reason. And last, but most importantly, although the systems are working, balance-wise, it is a broken mess right now. But since the systems are working, the purpose of the exercise is achieved...

Anyways, have a look. I left an easter egg inside as well :D

Feedback is welcome (but keep in mind that I am a noob at all this. Be kind :)




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